The Cat's Meow Rescue takes in a lot of special needs cats and kittens, from those that are sick or injured to those that have have physical disabilities or medical issues that render them "unadoptable" in a shelter setting. Our dedicated team of fosters and rescuers work hard to give these special cases a second chance. Our special needs cats and kittens often require a lot of vet care which can take a toll on our rescue funds. We are always grateful for donations that help with the cost of care for these cats which enables us to continue our efforts to help cats that otherwise might not make it. To us, each life is precious and each cat deserves a chance to live a happy, quality life no matter how rocky their road has been in the past.
If you would like to help us help the kitties in our care, you can donate through PAYPAL by clicking the donate button below. We thank you for your support! |
To learn about each cat's story below, click the photo for more details.
Kitties with Life-long/Chronic Medical Needs
Some of the kitties we rescue end up having complications with their health that require routine medicine or care. While some of the medical issues are more manageable than others, often these kitties become part of our sanctuary program as their care and medical needs are more than potential adopters are comfortable managing. And that's OK! We know that not all the kitties we rescue will be "highly adoptable" but that doesn't mean they deserve their second chances any less.
FIV(+) Kitties
FIV is a feline immunodeficiency virus that can compromise the immune system of a cat and is transmittable to other cats through aggressive bites. FIV+ kitties can still live long, quality lives! To learn more about FIV, visit our page, What is FIV?.
FeLV(+) Kitties
Feline Leukemia (FeLV) is a feline immunodeficiency virus that can compromise the immune system of a cat and is transmittable to other cats (so FeLV kitties need to remain separated from non-infected cats). While some FeLV kitties have shorter lives than others, they deserve to know love and happiness, too! To learn more about feline leukemia visit our page, What is Feline Leukemia?
© 2013 The Cat's Meow Rescue. All Rights Reserved.
© 2013 The Cat's Meow Rescue. All Rights Reserved.