Even if your cat is an indoor pet, it still needs exercise and stimulation. Not only do they keep your kitty healthy through ample movement, it also makes it happy. Cats love to hunt and to be challenged, and by introducing the right activities at home, you can continue to stimulate these instincts.
The great news is, you do not need a huge place or a lot of money to keep your cat entertained. Kitties love the attention and are happy when their humans play with them. They are not picky about toys and will play with anything they see around the house. Here are some tips to make sure that you are keeping your cat stimulated and active the whole day.
- Invest In Cat Toys
There are toys specifically designed for kitties, like feathers on a stick or balls they can chase around. You can also keep your cat very happy by using a scratching post. These are great because they can also sharpen their claws there instead of in your furniture. Buying ones with a place to sit on the top are something your kitty will love as well.
You do not need to invest in a lot of toys. A good idea is to rotate what you have, hiding some that your kitty is bored with and giving them back after a few weeks.
- Let Your Cat Search for Food
Wild cats survived by foraging for their own food. You can keep your kitty active and stimulated by hiding some treats or dry food all over the house and let your pet search for it. Moreover, it is good because your cat will not eat too much at once, and instead, eat a few times during the day.
- Stimulate the Senses
Cats have a wonderful sense of smell. They love pacing around the house and smelling around. You can stimulate this by spreading old socks with various scents all over the house. Simply dab a drop of perfume, extract, spice, or other aromatic things. Scatter them all over the house and your pet will have interesting things to smell as it walks around. You can also do a scent trail using some cheese and having a real piece of cheese to eat at the end as a treat.
- Watch the Outside World
Cats love having a place in the window pane or somewhere beside the window to observe the world outside. Make it comfortable by putting a soft pillow or blanket and your kitty will enjoy hours of watching. You can also put a bird feeder outside the window so that birds will come and your feline friend has lots to see. Just make sure the window is closed to keep your cat from unexpectedly jumping out.
- Recycle Old Cardboard
It is common knowledge that cats go crazy over old boxes, preferring them over the toys actually inside them. One cheap and easy way to keep your kitty occupied is to recycle old boxes. You can even connect them together with tape and design tunnels or mazes. You can also hang toys inside the boxes for some additional fun. If you have a cat, you will find yourself never throwing away any cardboard ever again.
There are many simple and very cheap ways to keep your cat stimulated at home. Hiding things or letting your kitty chase things will also give it the exercise it needs so it stays healthy. By installing some of these things you can keep your cat happy and avoid loneliness especially when you are at work. Moreover, these activities will trigger its instincts so that even if it is an indoor pet, it can still chase and hunt.